private healing session
Janet pulls from numerous healing modalities, including Integrative Shakti Reiki, mystic shamanism, and Tarot, to provide clients with a unique, individualized experience. Reducing stress, managing physical pain, promoting emotional well-being, healing trauma, and easing the journey at end of life are among Janet’s areas of interest and expertise.
integrative shakti reiki training (ISR), levels I, II, master
As a master lineage holder of ISR, a Reiki system that blends traditional Usui Reiki with Shakti Shamanic Wisdom, Janet leads and co-leads workshops to educate, attune, and support participants as they learn to channel Rei-Ki (spiritually guided life force energy) for the purpose of easing stress and enhancing physical and emotional well-being.
house blessing and cleansing
Using shamanic traditions that clear and move energy, Janet cleanses and blesses physical spaces that may hold imbalanced energy from inhabitants, experiences, or physical disruption, such as a move or re-model.
equine healing workshop
Supported by the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) and the power of equine wisdom, Janet and her co-leaders Claire and Rafiki, the 24-year old horse, will uncover and activate your intentions for the months ahead. Participants will journal, meditate, journey, and share. No experience with horses is required; no riding is involved. Please contact Janet directly for details on the next workshop.
basic principles of mystic shamanism workshop
details to come…